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Mandatory documents required by ISO 14001:2015

The organization’s EMS is required to include documented information determined by ISO 14001:2015 and is also required to provide documents that have been determined by the organization as necessary for the effectiveness of the EMS.  

Documenting information serve several purposes:

  • It makes critical information available to external parties, stakeholders, and shareholders
  • Allows the organization to continually review and improve the scope of the EMS
  • Allows Registrars to audit the EMS and measure its performance

The extent of documented information for an EMS differs between organizations. These differences are based on:

  • Size
  • Activities
  • Processes
  • products and services
  • the need to demonstrate fulfillment of compliance obligations
  • the ability of persons performing work under the organization’s control

“Documented information, refers to any information required to be controlled and maintained by the organization and the medium of which it is contained. Documented information refers to the EMS and its processes, documentation, and records. This encompasses any documents that you have deemed necessary to make your organization’s EMS function properly.”



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Customer Review:

"I have just passed my ISO Audit with zero non-conformances for the second year in a row using your ISO products. Thank you for producing documents of this quality"

Bettye Patrick

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